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Midwest Record on Ehud/Harry “Upper West Side”…

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EHUD ASHERIE with Harry Allen/Upper West Side: When you can’t tell just who is the leader on this duo date why is that Allen gets kind of a minority billing? And just why has this sweetie of a date been sitting in the can for 3 years? Screw the weak economy! A sublime face off between two jazz cats at the top of their games on piano and sax, the set list focuses on oldies but goodies and I guess I’m not big Apple enough to know what exactly these songs have to do with this particular New York neighborhood, but god damn is this a classy session (does that answer my own question?). Must listening for when the grown up in you is escaping. Killer stuff.


Written by editor

July 20th, 2012 at 9:11 am

Posted in Reviews

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