Willie Morris - tenor saxophone, soprano 8
Behn Gillece - vibraphone
Jon Davis - piano
Boris Kozlov - bass
Rudy Royston - drums
Jason Tiemann - drums 3
Tenor saxophonist Willie Morris taps into a wellspring
of creativity from the "Unbound Inner" on his third album
for Posi-Tone. As a bandleader, Morris leads by
example with remarkable technical precision and a
manifest knowledge of his materials. His saxophone's
sound is extraordinarily well-centered, his articulation
sharp and his command of his instrument complete.
Nevertheless, it is the considerable depth of his emotional
artistry that is most impactful and remarkable.
Morris is supported on the date by a familiar crew of
accomplished collaborators — vibraphonist Behn
Gillece, pianist Jon Davis, bassist Boris Kozlov, and
drummer Rudy Royston — all of whom ably express
the leader's musical vision in all their improvisations
and interplay. With an amazing combination of talent
and brilliant performances, Willie Morris' new album
clearly encourages listeners towards the wondrous
discovery of bright moments from his explorations of
the "Unbound Inner."