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Josh Lawrence

LawrenceMeasured Response - PR8257

Josh Lawrence - trumpet; flugelhorn
Diego Rivera - tenor saxophone
Art Hirahara - piano
Luques Curtis - bass
Rudy Royston - drums

Experience the brilliance of "Measured Response" as Josh Lawrence's trumpet prowess takes center stage, weaving a narrative that's both captivating and sophisticated. Joined by the extraordinary talents of pianist Art Hirahara, saxophonist Diego Rivera, bassist Luques Curtis, and drummer Rudy Royston, Lawrence presents a series of performances with dynamic range and emotional depth to create a captivating listening experience, offering a glimpse into the heart and soul of his personal approach to jazz. With its rich harmonies, intricate melodies, and rhythmic brilliance, this album is a must listen for jazz enthusiasts seeking a blend of technical virtuosity and emotive storytelling.
